Project index

Recently I started a bigger project that will take some time, and I generally have a kind of haphazard style of working, always more than one project at the same time..
So on this page, I will collect links to posts about the same project, so when you want to go back to see my progress on one special project this will be easy. I will add links about other projects here when there are enough posts about them.

TIF 3 – The details of my Craft (sampler)
The colours and the yarn
initial thoughts and 2 scraps
scraps done by melting organza with a more scraps done the same way
scraps done by ironing organza + Spunfab or lutradur
kunin felt brutally heatgunned
more samples of heatgunned kunin felt
loose yute band melted together with 3 layers of organza using a flat iron
Preparation of the background fabric for the sampler

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