Tag Archives: beads

Sampler 5 -The Next Part

For the lack of other content, I’m showing the next part of the last strip sampler I finished, the 5th one in my collection. You have seen this part before, I think, when I talked about those TAST stitches. The first pattern strip is beaded feathered chain stitch, in this case the chain part was beaded. The last band is also beaded feathered chain stitch with the chain part beaded, only worked closer together. In between, there is beaded buttonhole stitch.

The thick lines are a form of interlaced chain stitch, which will be featured in stitch sunday soonish.

Usually I am not big on beading, but there were a few TAST stitches that left me no choice, and I have to say I did enjoy it and will probably use beads some more on the next samplers.

For all the previous sections of this sampler, click here.


TAST 118 – Beaded Buttonhole Stitch

So I’m doing it again – posting a section from the middle of an unfinished sampler. It is about the current TAST stitch,beaded buttonhole stitch. I just wanted to post something current, even when I’m behind with the rest. Somehow, stitching is more fun than typing postings.

I never really liked to work with beads, it went too slow, was too much bling, and so on, and so forth…
Now, this TAST challenge stitch simply does not leave the alternative to do it non-beaded, so I try.


The green row in the middle are short buttonhole stitches with beads. The mud-coloured bands above and below the buttonhole stitches are laced chain stitch. Since Sumptuous surfaces, I’m toying with different line stitches. However, this one is almost too fat for a line stitch.