Tag Archives: assisi work

Finish: Waiting for Spring

Waiting for Spring
Anchor embroidery floss and valdani pearl cotton on non-evenweave linen
roughly DIN-A-5-Size

I finished this some time ago, and finally got round to washing and blocking it. Sadly, I could not remove all of the violet iron-on marker. And that after some of it bleached on me before I could complete the stitching. I don’t think I’ll be using the darn thing again. One of these days I’ll have to invest in a light table.

I’m calling it Waiting for Spring, because when I designed it last year it was march and it was still snowing. I think it is kinda symbolic that the bulb i’m expecting to grow is “empty”, not the quite bleak background.
The background is long-armed cross stitch, the soil a mix of diverse structured stitches, the fillings inside the bulb long and short stitch.

Here are links to substancial in-Progress postings:
The design process
The finished design and the transfer to fabric
A closeup of the needlewoven bars in the soil

Stitching On: Outlines and Internal Fillings on my Assisi Project

So I’m working on my stuff slowly but surely, in between cleaning up the garden and enjoying the fine weather in other ways. The whole thing is going to be more “Sharon-style” than traditional assisi work of course. This Prym iron-on pattern pen fades within a months or so, so I’m trying to finish all the outlines quickly. I’m doing only the dark parts inside the onion in long and short stitch, I plan to use something more textured on the outside.

This I did in the evening, in a room not too well lit.

And this in daylight.

I think the difference does show. I will need better lights. But these also show that I will have to pracrice long and short stitch a lot more. I’m doing it with 3 strands of floss here to match the coarse linen.