Finish: Waiting for Spring

Waiting for Spring
Anchor embroidery floss and valdani pearl cotton on non-evenweave linen
roughly DIN-A-5-Size

I finished this some time ago, and finally got round to washing and blocking it. Sadly, I could not remove all of the violet iron-on marker. And that after some of it bleached on me before I could complete the stitching. I don’t think I’ll be using the darn thing again. One of these days I’ll have to invest in a light table.

I’m calling it Waiting for Spring, because when I designed it last year it was march and it was still snowing. I think it is kinda symbolic that the bulb i’m expecting to grow is “empty”, not the quite bleak background.
The background is long-armed cross stitch, the soil a mix of diverse structured stitches, the fillings inside the bulb long and short stitch.

Here are links to substancial in-Progress postings:
The design process
The finished design and the transfer to fabric
A closeup of the needlewoven bars in the soil

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